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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 6, 2010 1:00am-2:00am EDT

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itrit's alp it's ait'cos ofothhosttc o the drug kingpin in mexico. authorities have him behind bars tonight's but say while he was free, he may have been involved in hundreds of murders. and the offline reaction to a major shake-up online. craigslist has taken down the adult services part of its website amid accusations of promoting prostitution. victims rights advocates want more and so does an attorney general who helped lead that charge. hello, i'm tom foreman, don lemon is off. as we salute the american worker this labor day weekend, millions of americans furious over high unemployment seem poised to punish washington in the critical midterm elections and we have brand-new numbers that show it. starting tomorrow, president obama plans a week-long push to get out in front on this issue but we're less than two months away from the voting and the latest cnn opinion poll shows four out of five americans now think the knee is in poor shape. our deputy political director paul steinhauser has the breakdown.
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>> reporter: troubling new numbers on the economy. take a look at this, this is from cnn, the research pin corporation, our brand-new national poll. we ask how you rate the economy. 44% of those we questioned say they rate the economy right now, they describe it as very poor. that's up 7 points from july. who do people blame for the current commission conditions? our poll suggested more people blame the republicans rather than the democrats. 44% say the reaps are more responsible for the current economic conditions, 35% say democrats and 16% say, both political parties are to blame. republicans are going to try to frame these mid terms as a referendum on barack obama and how he's handling the economy. what do americans think? 40% of those we questioned give the president a thumbs up, say they approve of how barack obama is handling the economy. 59% say they disapprove. 40% a new low in cnn polling since barack obama became president. we're here with the cnn express, we're in pittsburgh,
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pennsylvania, why here? because it's a little taste of what's happening. republicans think they can win back four or five house seats in this state. tom? >> this is the weekend that it all kicks off and we want you to keep an eye on the cnn election express. it will be on the roadthis week in four states with members of the best political team on television. jessica yellin, john king, t.j.-holes all starting the week in pittsburgh. tuesday, the bus arrives in columbus, ohio. on wednesday, the cnn express rolls into could havington, kentucky, and on thursday our team reports from indianapolis. president obama is spending labor day in milwaukee and wednesday, he's in cleveland to reveal this new proposals to get the country moving again. plus, he has a news conference on friday which is sure to focus heavily on the economy. a recession this bad rarely happens without political consequences. passes just a fact. lets bring in mark preston.
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mark, how bad does it look as we head into labor day for the democrats? >> tom, it really does come down to the economy for all the legislative accomplishments that congressional democrats and president obama can turn to, they're looking at unemployment rate hovering at just below 10%. 's this is really cataclysmic for them as they head into the midterm elections. tom, talking to strategists just over the last 24 hours, they're telling me that they see about 30 democratic held seats now in the house will be gone, will be lost to republicans. what does that mean in the grand scheme of things? tom, republicans need right around 40 seats to take back control of the house of represent representatives and. happens, that's the end of obama agenda as we know it, tom. certainly as he is preparing for his own election in 2012. he needs to have as much political muscle that he can have here in washington, d.c. if he loses control of the house, programs even the senate, he will certainly not be as strong as we've seen over the last two years.
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>> mark, you raise an interesting point here. we're eight weeks away from the voting. sit possible that the democrats can reach trench in that time and the republicans cr just peaking too soon? >> that is an excellent question because the real bearish republicans here in town, the ones on the front line, are cautiously optimistic that they'll take back the house but they realize politics one day is an eternity. we're talking about 60s days heading into the midterm electses. democrats have a financial advantage. expect them to spend as much money as possible, not to leave a dime on the table to try to keep control of the house and keep control of the senate. they're cautiously optimistic, timing is everything. democrats are trying to build that really strong defense heading into november. >> mark preston, thanks so much. the game isson. keep your eyes on it right on cnn right until the voting. news from the gulf this weekend. take a look. we've waited to see this for quite some time. bp's failed blowout preventer is now in the hands of the justice department. this massive structure was
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hauled up from the bottom of the gulf so investigators can figure out why it didn't shut off the flow of oil after the deadly explosion and fire that killed 11 men and caused that drilling rig to sink. the attorney general has said criminal charges will be pursued if the feds find any evidence of wrongdoing. also on the water, charleston, south carolina, four adults and three children had abandoned their sinking boat and spent 20 hours in the water. luckily, they all had on life vests. a coast guard helicopter crew had been on the final pass of a six-hour search pattern when one member of the crew spotted them in the moonlight about 25 miles from the coast. some of those survivors were clinging to a cooler. we talked with a member of the rescue team. >> from what i could see, just obviously, they're exhausted from being in the water that long and the two boys, they had
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been stung by a jellyfish numerous times. other than that, as far as i could tell, they were happy to be out of the water at that point. >> all seven were taken to a south carolina hospital for evaluation and treatment. we will be moving on craigslist has been under pressure to make some changes to it's site. now, some state attorneys general are a step closer having it their way. and new orders could send hundreds of additional u.s. soldiers to afghanistan. this is new. we'll have a look at how many troops may be involved. some of nature's best ingredients. we created purina one with smartblend. new, delicious shredded morsels and crunchy bites, with real meat, wholesome grains and antioxidants, for strong muscles, vital energy, a healthy immune system, and a real difference in your dog. purina one improved with smartblend. discover what one can do.
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when you approach things from a different perspective, you don't end up with just another car. you end up with the all-new saab 9-5 luxury sport sedan.
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cnn has learned this evening as many as 2,000 additional nato troops, including a number of u.s. forces, could be headed to afghanistan in the coming weeks. it's part of a plan being proposed by general david petraeus. he's not commented publicly on the need for more troops but a u.s. defense official and senior nato official familiar with the matter have confirmed the details to cnn. afghan president karzai has announced a creation of a peace council to pursue talks with the taliban. it is the latest step on the part of the afghan government to reinter48 militants back into society. david roe was kidnapped and held captain for seven months before escaping. i asked him if he thinks this peace council offers a real possibility or if it's just a pipe dream. >> i would say most and lifts
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think it's sort of a small step forward. there may be many local taliban commanders inside afghanistan itself that might broker agreements, and, so, you know, these analysts say it's okay for president karzai to go ahead with this this approach, but the real issue is the taliban safe havens that exist inside pakistan and unless the pakistani army is willing to pressure the taliban that they're using safe havens inside pakistan to launch cross-border attacks against american soldiers, it will be impossible to defeat the taliban. so, it's a small step forward but without pakistan doing more, it's not going to solve the situation. >> with that said, i keep thinking about how, in iraq, the awakening movement was a big turning point there and, clearly, there's some sense that can be replicated in a afghanistan but it seems the circumstances are different enough that to expect that kind of 180 turn like we had in iraq would be a bit problematic.
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>> well, again, i think it's worth, and i think it's worth trying. there's still in public opinion polls most afghans did not support the taliban. they're very frustrated with the afghan government which they see is very weak and a lot of corruption allegations, so it's definitely worth trying to win over some taliban to the afghan government side. but you're correct that afghanistan and iraq are very different and it's, in a sense, the key thing is the regional players here and the surrounding countries help the u.s. effort? will pakistan help? will iran help? so, this is part of the solution but not the whole solution. >> you were held by the taliban. do you think that the people, once you get beyond that very base level, are even susceptible to this kind of agreement or will they simply say, no, we're here for the long haul and we're going to win? >> i think that there probably are local taliban inside afghanistan that would be
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willing to -- many of them are fighting for power in their own districts and if they could get posts there, they might be willing to reconcile with the government another group of taliban, the people who kidnapped me, they are based inside pakistan's tribal areas. they are much more hard line. they work with foreign fighters including arabs and are reported shelter al qaeda members as well. that second group of hardline taliban, the ones based in pakistan, will not, i think, agree to this sort of reconciliation program. so, it's going to be a two-pronged approach that will lead to reconciliation potentially inside afghanistan, but it may take military pressure on other taliban groups that are based in pakistan. >> again, that was david rohde of "the new york times." closer to home, critics have called the on-like the classified ad site craigslist the single largest source of
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prostitution in america. cnn challenged its founder on how he was trying to clean up the site. >> what are you guys doing to protect these girls? [ silence ] >> this weekend, craigslist pulled the plug. next, see the story that started it all and hear reaction from those who demanded the ads come down. and stopping the bullying. not in class, but at the office. one city is considering outlawing workplace bullies. we'll tell you why. just get the superpagesmobile app on your phone. and look for a business with the superguarantee®. you'll get the job done right, or we'll step in and help make it right. so, protect yourself. use your phone to find a business with the superguarantee®. only from®. and let the good guys come to the rescue. to everyone who wants to go to college and everyone who started college
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advocates to protect women and children from sex trafficking are noting a major switch on the website many consider american bulletin board. the adult section of craigslist has shut down in what appears to be a response to allegations that it promoted prostitution. we say it appears that way because we haven't had a comment electric craigslist.
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they say they'll release a statement later on. we'll see about that. credit amber lyon for turning up the pressure. she investigated the practices on craigslist and confronted the founder about the site's safeguards. it created quite a sensation. take a look. >> reporter: i want to show you how easy it is for these pimps to use craigslist. we're going to post an advertisement right now. don't try this at home. $10 per ad, five bucks to repost. one of the big things going on is they're saying they monitor all of these ads that come through to check to see if think of tease girls are underage or young. we put some words in here, "sweet," "innocent," "into girl." we'll see if craigslist is going to let our ad post and see what kind of calls we get. >> hello? >> yes. what's your donation for an ad
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call? >> what are you looking for? what type? >> just a half hour, just a quick half an hour to get together. >> what's your name? >> john. >> john. >> john. >> what is that now, we've had 15 calls? and the ad's only been up for three hours. 15 calls in three hours. we're on the main page of the washington, d.c. craigslist section right now and to get to the adult services section, you scroll past the for sale section right underneath pet service ss adult services. craigslist says its staff manually screens all of these adult services ads and will reject any that make it look or sound like you're selling sex. that may not be easy but when we looked through the ads, most were pretty blatant. look and that she's sitting in her underwear. on a single day last week, we counted 7,000 adult services ads in the major metropolitan areas where craigslist is most active. dozens had photos with young-looking females.
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dozens more had words that used youth as a selling point. the fair fund investigates juvenile trafficking. and most of the young people that we've worked with who have been exploited online talk about craigslist. they don't talk about the other sites. craigslist is like the walmart of allline sex trafficking right now in this country. >> we post ads around, like, four, five and wait for you to get a call. wait to get a call. >> from everything that we understand, when they are being spotlighted by a pimp or trafficker, more accurately described, the trafficker's keeping the money. >> and if i didn't get it, yeah. he would be mean. >> we're here at george washington university and we just found out that craig newmark, the founder of craigslist, is going to be speaking here today at a tech conferen conference. he doesn't know we're coming. he's been very media shy about all the allegations against him. this guy is the craig in craigslist. it's his list.
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can kpeel trust that children are not being sex trafficked on craigslist? >> i think we explain that pretty thoroughly on our blog. >> that's where jim buckmaster says you'll immediately contact law enforcement if you -- >> jim does a great job showing that we do more than anyone in this area. pretty good for a community of 50 million people. >> this is inspector brian bray with the d.c. metropolitan police department. he's in charge of the prostitution enforcement unit. in craigslist blog, they say they'll immediately contact law enforcement every time they see a suspicious ad and you say you've never been contacted by them? >> that's correct. it does bother us from a law enforcement perspective because the problem's so rampant that to get a handle on it, we need all the assistance we can get and if they're notifying, i'm not sure if they're notifying the right people because we're in the getting a call. >> what are you guys doing to protect these girls? [ silence ]
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you guys say in the blog that you will remove any ad that looks like the person might be suggesting they're going to offer sex. look at this ad. it says, "young, sexy, sweet and bubbly." clearly here she writes $250 an hour. what do you think she's selling in her bra and underwear, a dinner date? and she's in her bra and underwear. >> have you reported this to us? >> but you guys say you screen all these ads manually on your blog. >> i've never -- i don't know what this is. >> jim buck master's blog he says these are being screened. >> have you reported it to us in. >> why do i have the responsibility to report this to you when it's your website? you're the one posting this online. i just want to know, i mean -- okay. >> this is a -- >> it's just we've run into a lot of victims and a lot of advocates that pretty much call your site the walmart of child
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sex trafficking. >> 2008, craigslist agreed to report any suspicious ads to the center for missing and exploited children, which works with police to find and rescue trafficking victims. two years and hundreds of thousands of sketchy ads later, the center says craigslist has reported fewer than 100. thank you for your time, craig. >> our thanks to amber. obviously, we've asked the craigslist folks to come on and explain all of think. that offer still stands. we'll see if they come visit with us. just last week 17 states attorney general sent a letter to craigslist to shut down the section. richard blumenthal helped lead the charge. >> we have out sites in our sites, so to speak and we will pursue this problem because, remember, these prostitution ads lead to other very serious criminal activity. they are not victimless crimes. assaults on women, human trafficking.
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>> strong words, our full interview with richard blumenthal after the break. to challenge ourselves on the most demanding track in the world. with us, in spirit, was every great car that we'd ever competed with. the bmw m5. and the mercedes-benz e63. for it was their amazing abilities that pushed us to refine, improve and, ultimately, develop the world's fastest production sedan. [ engine revving ] the cts-v, from cadillac. the new standard of the world. step away from the internet. schedule no meetings. hold all your phone calls. for the next hour, there will be no agenda. marie callender's invites you back to lunch, with a new line of fresh recipes. like chicken teriyaki with crisp water chestnuts. it steams to perfection in minutes, giving the fresh flavors and textures of a homemade meal. marie's new steamed meals. it's time to savor.
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as we've been reporting, the adult services section is blocked on the popular website craigslist, at least for now. this is exactly what richard blumenthal and 16 other state attorney generals demanded in a letter last week. for blumenthal, this is a step in the right direct.
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>> i'm very pleased by this very solid and significant apparent step in the right direction. i say apparent because we have received no definite or definitive word from craigslist itself that this shutdown is permanent and complete, but it certainly is welcome. if it remains shut down, it will be a model for other sites, we hope, because craigslist is by far the biggest. its scope and scale are unmatched by any others and it is a good step but a continuing battle has to be fought. >> you raise an interesting point. you say there are other sites, there are also weekly newspapers, all sorts of places where these ads appear. is it natural that your group of attorneys general would then pursue further these other sites and say, now, let's put the pressure on them? >> we have other sites in our sights, so to speak. we will pursue this problem. remember that these prostitution ads lead to other very serious criminal activity. they are not victimless crimes,
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assaults on women, human trafficking. we have been joined by very strong and forceful advocates in the private sector like the national center for missing and exploited children, a very good ally, and our coalition of attorneys general actually is growing on this issue. we are in excess of 20 now and i'm very privileged to lead it. but every one of them has been a liter in his or her state. >> let me ask you beyond this country. because the internet is a global phenomenon. some of the advocacy groups out there have said, there needs to be a way to take this beyond u.s. borders because so much trafficking occurs internationally. is there anything your group can or would attempt to do on that front? >> a very good question in terms of our reach and our ultimate goal. certainly beyond the borders of this country, since the internet reaches beyond our borders.
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very important that human trafficking, for example, which can be an international activity, be stopped beyond the borders. but right now our focus really is on craigslist. we're taking it one step at a time. we want to verify and confirm that craigslist is, in fact, shutting down because our focus really is on law enforcement within our borders and victims within the reach of this country's law enforcement activities. i would say to you that we also need to think about changes in the law which, right now, give these sites virtually complete immunity, they claim, from any accountability for these prostitution ads. in other words, craigslist itself says it cannot be held legally responsible for anything advertised on its site. and my belief is, strongly, and it's my personal belief, i can't
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speak for other attorneys general in this issue, that we need to change that law to hold the sites more accountable than they are now. >> we should note that richard blumenthal is the democrat running for u.s. senate in connecticut against linda mcmahan. we've invited miss mcmahan to appear on this program. that invitation remains available. the nfl is about to kick off again. keeping players on the straight and narrow as the new season approaches. >> i think that we did whatever we could with michael. a lot of it was him and a lot of it was the folks he associated with. >> applying the lessons learned from pro football's infamous scandals. plus, from texas high school football star to accused drug cartel kingpin and mass murderer. the accused criminal known as la barbie is now behind bars and sharing terrible stories of his past. that's next. t randy johnson a bad idea?
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this week mexico's federal police captured a drug kingpin, one of the most powerful drug cartel leaders, ed gar villarreal valdez, known as la barbie because of his fair skin and eyes, is american born and was wanted on both sides of the border. he was a high school football star in his home town of laredo,
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texas. now he is said to have organized the killings of hundreds of people. fred burton has been following valdez' actions along the border. he is a former counterterrorism agent with the state department and a vice president with stratfor global intelligence. he joins us now in austin, texas. we know that there is an awful lot of drug running that exists on both sides of the border. how rare is it for an american born citizen to be this highly placed in one of these cartels? >> it's very rare. la barbie has managed to make his way to the top of a ruthless cartel. i think he certainly has earned that right based on his known viciousness. he was operating as a hitman in mexico as well as a security chief for beltran lava. >> we have some video of his interrogation. i want to play a little of that and then get your reaction if we can. let's listen. >> what was the route that you
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operated? >> translator: panama to mexico. >> translator: how did you manage the money? how did you do it to move so much cash? >> translator: well, cash would come to me from the united states. >> translator: how do they send you the money? >> translator: in semi tractor trucks. >> is this typical talk for these drug kingpins, fred? is this normally -- was what he was talking about their normal business? >> this is normal business. it is still very much a bulk cash business. in essence, they ship the product north. it's a very efficient supply chain. the bulk cash comes back south. and the money is just astronomical when you start looking at just the flow of cash into mexico. and in many ways, this is mexico's economy. >> do we have any idea how this transformation happened with la barbie? how did he go from being a high school football player in the
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united states to the person he is today? >> from looking at his past, it appears that at age 19, he had his first brush with the law down in laredo. and he was involved in a horrific car accident where he killed a middle school teacher. and he wasn't indicted for that. and then there was a series of minor arrests, possession of marijuana, drinking in public. then he vanishes into mexico where he surfaces as one of the security chiefs for the beltran lava organization. and it is rumored that he was involved in several assassinations inside of mexico as well as some of his cross border activities. >> how did he happen to get caught, fred? >> when you look at an individual like this, it is typically a dog-eat-dog business. an individual has rated him off
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a to mexican authorities for his location. however, there is one theory running through the community that he in fact may have turned himself in, or in essence, set himself up. because if you look at what happened to beltran lava, there is no good outcome for most of these individuals. to be blunt, i'm surprised that he was taken alive without any shots that were fired. million of americans are struggling this labor day weekend to make ends meet as the u.s. economy tries to dig its way out of the rough. now president obama says he has a new plan to give americans a boost, especially small businesses. plus, like most people, you probably have insurance on your house, your car, but what about on your hair? find out how much an nfl player's hair is insured for.
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when you approach things from a different perspective, you don't end up with just another car. you end up with the all-new saab 9-5 luxury sport sedan. my joints ache so bad, i wake up in pain every day. i want to know why. i want to know why my hair is falling out. how did this happen? how did this happen? a little pain in my knee. that's how it started. that's how it started, this rash on my face. now it's like my body is attacking me. i want answers. announcer: when you don't have the right answers, it may be time to ask your doctor the right question. could i have lupus? to everyone who wants to go to college and everyone who started college but never finished... to late bloomers... full-time moms... and everyone who is good at something but wants to be great. welcome to kaplan university. the university that's changing the face of education... to undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees... degrees that can give you a leg up...
1:39 am
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let's check out some of our top stories. cnn has learned as many as 2,000 additional nato troops including a number of u.s. forces could be heading to afghanistan in the coming weeks. it is part of a plan being proposed by general david petraeus. he has not commented publicly on the need for more troops but the u.s. defense official and the senior nato official familiar with the matter have confirmed these details to cnn this weekend.
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u.s. troops helped iraqis soldiers repel an insurgent attack in downton baghdad today. it happened at the iraqi army headquarters for eastern baghdad. a group five suicide bombers and gunmen tried to storm the facility. the iraqi military says at least 12 people were killed. another 36 injured. none was american. it was the first significant attack in baghdad since president obama declared an end to u.s. combat operations four days ago. on this labor day holiday, the city santa fe, new mexico, is considering a resolution to prevent workplace bullying. our affiliate, koat reports a city council member is proposing training and a better monitoring system for city employees to report bullying behavior. if passed, santa fe would be among the first jurisdictions in the country to have a measure like this. this week the economy remains issue number one. on wednesday, president obama reveals a new plan to perhaps ease america's economic worries,
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especially for small businesses. it includes a permanent extension of a tax credit for business research and development. aides have said the president is also considering a payroll tax holiday and new spending on infrastructure. many of you will be off tomorrow to observe labor day but official washington never really takes a break. here's a preview of what to expect in the week ahead beginning with president obama's schedule. >> i'm ed henry at the white house where with less than two months to go before the election day, it is all about the economy for the president. on monday in milwaukee, wednesday in cleveland, he will be unveiling new plan his aides are putting togethering, likely to include some new business tax cuts. maybe also some infrastructure spending to try to goose the economy. then on friday the president has a news conference here at the white house. his first since may. >> i'm barbara starr at the pentagon.
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defense secretary robert gates returns from an overseas trip to the war zones in iraq and afghanistan, and gets back down to business here. military commanders in pakistan, afghanistan, and south korea will all provide updates on what is going on in their regions, and on saturday, the secretary will lay a wreath here at the pentagon in memory of the 9/11 attacks. >> reporter: i'm poppy harlow. the stock market is closed on monday in celebration of labor day but trading resumes on wall street tuesday morning and on wednesday, the federal releases its beige book. investors will be paying very close attention to that and also to a key trade balance report that we'll get on thursday. the last report showed that the u.s. trade imbalance with china was at a 21-month high. that caused the dow to drop more than 251 points. the markets will be looking for a higher u.s. export number in that report. we'll track it all for you on cnn "money." big news overseas this week as well. our international desk editor is here.
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tell us what will be happening. >> starting off we'll go to tabriz, iran, a city north west of tehran. this is a story that has received a lot of international attention. one we've been following for a couple months now. the case of the iranian woman, the 43-year-old iranian woman. she actually faces execution for adultery and they're going to stone her. well, they plan on stoning her. the latest development on this story is that she faces an additional sentence of 99 lashes because a photo of her, an alleged photo of hers, appeared in "the times" of london. now opponents of the execution are saying that this is a case of mistaken identity and there is a lot of controversy surrounding the validity of the photo itself. but nevertheless, today the vatican issued a statement saying the pope said that, you know, i'm going to be following this case and he is willing to go through diplomatic channels to help her. and also, tomorrow out of paris,
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a foreign french minister will come out and hold a press conference talking about the case. a lot of developments. a lot of international intervention and also, a lot of surprises. now, what we can -- actually, let's go to korea first. so, this is the first high-level meeting of korea's workers since the 1960s. something like this has not happened in over 40 years. so what a lot of people are speculating is that north korea's president, kim jong-il, will supposedly make his son his successor. he hasn't come out and made that announcement and it will be the first time his son's going to be making a public appearance, to begin with. so a story we'll watch closely and see if it surprises us. >> do you consider possibly a shaky succession there compared to what happened before. >> absolutely. absolutely. >> interesting. now this is a really interesting story. so, obviously, the u.s. isn't the om place where divorce is on
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the rise. japanese couple can now end their marriage with what is called a divorce ceremony. they pretty much can say sayonara in the same way they say "i do." what they do is ride up in rickshaws, they smash their wedding rings, they dine with their backs to each other and they receive well wishes from their friends as they embark on their separate journeys in their separate lives. so crazy. what do you think the price tag on this is? >> $100. >> close. 55,000 yen, estimated to be around $606. >> really! does that include the dinner? >> you know what, it probably does. >> so good to have you here. the update from overseas. millions of americans closer to home are struggling in this economy. as the age old standard of two incomes still better than one? some surprising answers coming up. plus, fame, money, power. no limit to the temptation for many nfl players.
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>> i wish stuff off the field was like throwing a football. i know how to throw a football. >> how one team is pushing players to make better decisions when's they are out of uniform. to challenge ourselves on the most demanding track in the world. with us, in spirit, was every great car that we'd ever competed with. the bmw m5. and the mercedes-benz e63. for it was their amazing abilities that pushed us to refine, improve and, ultimately, develop the world's fastest production sedan. [ engine revving ] the cts-v, from cadillac. the new standard of the world.
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on this labor day holiday, we're taking a look at a lot of issues having to do with jobs and a common perception among families, especially in a bad economy, that they need both partners to work. but are two incomes always better than one? i talked with jennifer openshaw, the ceo of the family financial network. she said sometimes, one income is the way to go, but you have to do the math first. >> let's take a look at this example. let's say the second person earns $50,000 in income. but you have maybe $10,000 to $15,000 off the top going to taxes and that leaves with you $35,000. but then let's not forget that we've got clothing costs.
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we've got transportation, maybe a car to get to our job. maybe we've got child care expenses. if you take those combined, those can easily come to $15,000. and that can whittle that $35,000 net pay down to something like $20,000. and then of course, maybe you're thinking about, gosh, does it make sense to have somebody at home raising my kids versus me? those are some very real questions couples need to ask themselves. >> so this is something where people have to on an individual basis do the math and not make an assumption. i'm guessing, you mentioned some of the obvious costs. for any given family there may be all sorts of hidden costs, like, if you have a big yard and your working so much that you have to hire someone to mow the lawn and something like that. >> you bet. if somebody will decide to stay home, it may make sense if they're going to take over those services that could be mowing the lawn or taking care of the kids or own doing the accounting which so many women do
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incerritosingly at home. so there are times when one income does make sense. maybe you're picking up those additional costs. certainly if you have a job that's very secure with strong health care benefits, that's a big one for a lot of families. and if you've got low debt, you certainly don't want to be relying on one income if you've got a fair amount of debt that you have to be paying off every month. >> you have a rule of thumb that people can apply if they look at the cost of their living space. their home or their apartment. tell us about that. >> that is, you don't want your housing costs, if you will have somebody to stay home, to be more than 25% of your monthly pay before taxes. so the example there would be, if one person's income is $4,000 a month and they should not have ideally more than $1,000 going to rent or the housing payment. and that's for all sorts of reasons, including making sure they can pay off that debt but also have room in case they face some financial crisis down the road.
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our next story coming up in a moment. it sounds like something out of a well known steven spielberg blockbuster. massive bull sharks, yes. the potentially man-eating type found swimming in the potomac river. do you think d.c. is tough? you don't know the half of it. i was short of breath,
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the new nfl season starts this week which means we can start looking for those instances where some player lets the money and fame go to his head and do something not very bright. one team is hoping to avoid that by doing a different type of coaching with speakers like our own don lemon and he brings us that story. >> reporter: when you're an nfl player on the field, there is always a coach watching to whip you into shape. off the field, it's a different story. players making name for themselves in all the wrong ways. bad decisions, bad role models, bad habits that teams like the atlanta falcons have seen too much of in the past. >> i think that we did whatever we could with michael. a lot of it was him and a lot of it was folks that he associated with. >> reporter: in the aftermath of the michael vick scandal, the falcons foun themselves fighting
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the perception that nfl players have too much money, not enough brains. >> i really want you to think about and plan for what each of you wants to do in the community. >> reporter: welcome to falcons u., a crash course that teaches players to handle themselves when they're not playing. >> don't give until it hurts. give until it feels good. >> if there were more falcon user programs like this one, do you think we wouldn't hear about the vicks, the roethlisbergers? >> you do see a lot of negative thing about players in the nfl. it is such a small minority. >> reporter: quarterback matt ryan attended this year's summit along with dozens of other players. >> good things players do within the communicate, taking care of themselves financially, all those things sometimes get lost. >> if you have to second guess yourself, if you're going to question yourself, should i be doing this, will my family reap the nastiness of me choosing this decision or is my name going to be tarnished? >> reporter: but falcons u. is about more than public perception, the brainchild of
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owner arthur blank. this year's lessons offered lessons on how to invest, which charities to give to, which endorsements to take. >> the football field, they've got a lot of good counseling for many years and getting it here. some of the life transition, life skills, they haven't. so we can add value there. >> reporter: three years, i believe, that's how long it takes an nfl player to lose the money that he made in the nfl. >> this window, especially playing football, can be short sometimes. you have to make that transition from college to the real world. >> being one of the oldest, i'm 29 in 37 months now, so i kind of, i'm closer to the end of that time. you need to be thinking about that next step. it gave us the opportunity to meet a lot of people. >> reporter: given his position and his importance to the team, matt ryan knows he's under extra scrutiny. >> i wish stuff off the field was like throwing a football. i know how to throw a football. but i've had to learn and try and listen to a lot of different people.
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>> reporter: a reminder that in the nfl, handling your business means more than winning football games. don lemon, cnn, flowery branch, georgia. we have time for just a little bit more of the news you may have missed before we go. we always try to give that you on sundays. the first is about the nfl. about an nfl star whose hair is now insured for $1 million. look at him. proctor and gamble took out the policy with lloyds of london to protect the hair of troy polamalu of the pittsburgh steelers. he's an all-pro safety. he is featured for head and shoulders shampoo and he says he hasn't cut his hair in years. and a fisherman pulled this eight-foot-long bull shark from the waters of the potomac river last week. down river from washington, d.c. willy dean said he realized there was something unusual and enormous in his net. it was a bull shark. one of the meanest critters out there.


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